Saturday, May 29, 2010

What If Part II

Part one available by clicking here.

WHAT IF. . . .

  • President Bush constantly and consistently blamed all the country's woes on former President Clinton?

  • President Bush averaged five hours per golf game -

  • President Bush said something like, "my daughter asked me today, 'Daddy, when are you going to fix all the damage from Katrina'"?

  • The Bush Administration had given an oil rig a clean bill of health (and an award) a month or two before it exploded and caused the largest natural disaster in American history?

  • Bush surrounded himself with radical right-wingers?

  • Karl Rove had said something like, "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste."

  • Denny Hastert had said something like, "we have to vote for the bill so you can see what's in it"?

  • Karl Rove had offered a Republican congressional candidate a quip pro quo deal not to run against a Bush favored senatorial candidate?

  • President Bush waited over a month to do anything significant about the damage caused by Katrina (as Obama did in the Gulf oil spill)?

  • Republican Congress passed a bill despite opposition from 60%+ of the American electorate?

Friday, May 28, 2010

OMG - Noonan Finally Figures It Out

I just read Peggy Noonan's Wall Street Journal editorial, He Was Supposed to Be Competent. I had a mixed reaction between wanting to puke and laugh. Disbelief does not even begin to describe how I felt reading this from, supposedly, one of the most astute political commentators in the country.

She could not see this coming? The evidence of Obama's incompetence was mountainous, voluminous, overwhelming (fill in your own adjective here). I thought John Kerry was the least qualified person to receive the nomination from a major political party until Obama came along. As incompetent as Jimmy Carter was, at least he ran a state before being elected to run the country.

Obama had never run ANYTHING. He had never made a payroll; doesn't know what payroll is. His lifelong influencers, for the most part, hated America. How many of us have friends like Bill Ayers, a preacher like Jeremiah Wright and associates like Van Jones. If you want to be really frightened, read the resume of a randomly selected Obama “Czar”.

Noonan expresses incredulity over Obama's obtuseness, disconnection, indifference and chronic detachment from the majority of voters, his poor political instincts and judgment. My question to Noonan is what evidence did you have prior to your recent revelation that Obama would be otherwise?
He is doing exactly what he told us he would do, "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA". He knows he will be a one-term President unless, of course, the reconstituted ACORN can be revved up, he passes Illegal Immigration Reform and turns 80% of the illegals into Democrat voters and/or the Census results can be manipulated in his Party's favor. See how this is all related Ms. Noonan???
Even if he is a one-hit wonder, look at the damage he will have inflicted on the country. He will be a paragon of virtue for left-wing, progressives for the rest of his life and beyond. FDR has got nothing on the Big O.
Noonan goes on to say, "It's not good to have a president in this position—weakened, polarizing and lacking broad public support—less than halfway through his term." - THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ELECT SOMEONE WHOSE RESUME HIGHLIGHT IS "COMMUNITY ORGANIZER"!

"Obama was supposed to be competent" - HOW THE HELL DID SHE DRAW THAT CONCLUSION?

I will give credit where it is due here. At the end of the article, Noonan says this "when you ask a government far away in Washington to handle everything, it will handle nothing well." At least she ended on a high note.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Look Into the Future

Want to look into the future of America? Turn you gaze east - look at Europe. That is where we are being led.

First, think about the bill-of-goods we have been sold by the Left in this country: government-administered healthcare, government-run public transportation, government-managed energy policy, government-allocated entitlements, government-provided jobs, government-owned and government-regulated industries (shall I go on?)

Second, look who the President surrounds himself with. His influences are exclusively unions, Communists, Socialists, liberal progressives and Rahm Emanuel (whatever he is). Don't discount this. Do the research for yourself and dispute me.

Do you know what happens when 30% of your workforce works for the federal government and the 'private' sector is controlled by unions while 50% of your population pays no federal income taxes?

Greece happens!

Greece, the beacon of capitalism and entrepreneurism where:

  • Retirement with full pension is at age 61.

  • You receive EVERYTHING for "Free" including healthcare (sound familiar?)

  • People riot in the streets when cutting their social services is discussed.

Heaven forbid they get off their ass and work! Dependence on government breeds complacency and a sense of entitlement, which is exactly the seeds that Obama is sowing RIGHT NOW!

Of course, anyone with half-a-lick of commonsense or with one economics class under their belt understands someone must pay for all the FREE shit handed out by government. In Greece, who is paying????? Not the Greek. Why? Because . . . . they are too big to fail. Heard that one before????

Where will the $145B bailout come from? The EU and the IMF! Of course the US' share of the IMF is 17.1%. Thus we are shelling out almost $25B to bail out Greece. Then we will be on the hook for Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland. Of course we already sent $30B of taxpayer dollars that were part of the $120B used to bail out AIG to European banks. In that light, what is another mere $25B? When the last one standing turns to ask the next one for help and no one is there, that is the end of the game and everything has to reset.

It's the U.S. who will be looking over her shoulder and seeing no one to bail her out. Meanwhile, how many future generations have we bankrupted and sentenced to a life of a lower standard of living than the current and past generations. Is that the American Way?

Progressives in this country have systematically (progressively) taken us apart piece by piece. The steps included: removing God from the public discussion, denigrating the Founding Fathers and slowly increasing the level of entitlements from cradle to grave (see Pay for Your Own Damn Healthcare).

If the U.S. does not change its Greece-like ways and continues to slog toward more and more government control of business and the financial markets, we will become Greece. We do know that in the next 5 to 10 years our debt to GDP ratio will be the same as Greece when it tumbled into this crisis. Ironically it was the 'fiscally responsible' Democrats crying during the Bush administration's absurd spending binge about deficits. Now that they are in power they have more than tripled our debt in less than two years and the 'fiscally responsible' Republicans are crying.

What about all of us truly fiscally responsible Americans having to foot the bill? WE are the ones crying. WE are the ones fitting the bill.

We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore. Voila! - the Tea Party movement is born. What does the mainstream media, the Democrats, progressive Republicans and the Obama Administration do? They denigrate it. Call them violent. Call them racists and bigots. In the meantime, it is union thugs conducting themselves with violence.

Is anyone else bothered by the level of apathy and blatant hypocrisy displayed by the media and the Left?

Wake up America!