Friday, September 23, 2016

Dead Man Walking - The Republican Party

If the Republican Party cannot beat a man as inexperienced and incompetent as Obama and then loses to a woman equally as incompetent and literally dripping with corruption, why should it survive? 
Depending on the poll, the American electorate is generally split with 40% aligning themselves with Republicans, 40% with Democrats, and 20% as Independent.

In order to be successful, Democrats must cobble together a group of various voting blocks. They accomplish this using a destructive strategy of dividing and demonizing. They scare their blocks into voting for the Democratic candidate by slandering and lying about their Republican rivals. Think about it: All you ever hear from the national Democrats is division - white vs. blacks, rich vs. poor, the 1%, the war on women, pro-life vs. pro-abortion, Christians vs. secular world, The Alt Right, proponents of gay marriage vs. believers in real marriage, old vs. young, transgenders vs. straight, illegal immigrants vs. citizens, Obamacare, welfare, etc, etc. All the while they demonize anyone who does not agree with them - basket of deplorables (racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic).

Meanwhile the Republican caucus is comprised of fewer, less-than-loyal voting blocks. Consider conservative talk radio hosts who run the gamut from all-Trump-everyday supporter to the Never Trumpers. Consider the Christian voting block, which in theory, leans Republican. Millions of them did not vote for Romney because he was a Mormon. Then you have the Libertarians who again lean toward the GOP socially but cannot stomach their lust for military intervention throughout the world. So they either stay home on election day, hold their nose and vote for the Republican, or they pull the lever for the Libertarian candidate.

As Rush Limbaugh has famously said for years, “being a liberal is easy.” He posits that it does not require any critical thinking to be a liberal and vote for every Democrat on the ballot. You can simply latch on to any of the stereotypes and/or emotional arguments fed to you by the Left and the media and safely remain strong-fisted in your opposition to those dastardly Republicans.

I recently published a blog post called “Donald Trump Scares Me” that exemplifies this perfectly. While Hillary Clinton is resoundingly disliked, thought to be dishonest and untrustworthy, millions will still vote for her because Donald Trump has been cast as this ogre who hates women; he is mean, scary, unpredictable, and unlikable.

While the Democrats continue their divide-and-demonize strategy, as they push to replace their disenchanted and declining voter base with amnestied illegal immigrants, the Republican Party will continue its dead man walk into irrelevancy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Perversion of the Presidency

What would the Founding generation say about the time, energy, and money spent on the modern presidential elections? After all, if we followed the Constitution’s prescription for the separation of powers specifically the power of the executive branch, the presidential election would largely be a non-event.

Because the powers delegated by the states to the federal government were few and defined, the occupant of the White House, in theory, should matter less than who we elect to Congress or to our state legislatures. Unfortunately with the power wielded by D.C. growing virtually on a daily basis, we find ourselves absorbed in this circus that rolls into town every four years. The presidential race has come to resemble a cultural event much like the opening of the NFL season or the much-anticipated new seasons of the Walking Dead or House of Cards.

If we still lived by the true standard of the Constitution, the presidential candidates would not spend their time laying out a series of agenda items and commenting on every police shooting because their job description is limited largely to four things: foreign affairs, appointing judges and cabinet heads, vetoing unconstitutional legislation passed by Congress, and executing the constitutional laws passed by Congress.

Instead of cheering for Clinton or Trump or Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein or Darrell Castle, we should be constantly evaluating the constitutionality of the actions and/or proposals of our federal officials. We should be demanding that our state legislatures nullify all unconstitutional federal laws. We should be explaining to our sphere of influence why most federal actions are unconstitutional. We should put an end to the perversion of the Office of the President of the United States.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Basket of Deplorables

Last week Hillary Clinton characterized 50% of Donald J. Trump supporters as a "basket of deplorables"
  • Racist
  • Sexist
  • Homophobic
  • Xenophobic
  • Islamaphobic 
How could 50% of Hillary voters be characterized? A "vat of despicables"?
  • Intellectually lazy
  • Ill-informed
  • Intolerant
  • Moochers
  • Anti-constitutional
  • Hypocrites
  • Coercive
  • Anti-American
  • Liars
  • Anti-democracy.