Monday, February 23, 2009

If I Ran the Republican Party

It is time for mature adults to take back our country. It is time for our public officials to work for us and not for their own self-interest and for their own reelection. It’s time to start saying “NO”. It is time to be BOLD. It is time for the Republican Party to act like an opposition party and . . . oppose. It is time for the Republican Party to clearly define its beliefs and principles and, if the general public rejects it, so be it! It is time for the Republican Party to unapologetically tell the American people that, “25% of you will not vote for us no matter what we say or do. We are going to actively engage the 75% who are willing to listen.”

All current Republican members of Congress as well as state and local officials need to decide whether or not they buy in. If not, change your affiliation and run as an Independent or as a Democrat or form a new R-I-N-O Party but you are no longer welcome.

The following plan has six underlying principles or guideposts that must be adhered to. These principles are:

The Constitution - Accountability – Responsibility – Duty – Honor – Education

Below is my step-by-step prescription for taking back the country:

Step #1 – Re-educate the American people.

We must undertake a massive re-education effort to lay the foundation for the path we are going to take. The disinformation distributed by liberal Democrats and the White House is astonishing. The mainstream media is nothing more than a cheerleader. Cable television and talk radio work wonders but we must reach the ‘American Idol’ crowd. The majority of the population only has a passing interest in politics. That must change. Here are a few topics that need to be taught:

  • The U.S. Constitution; specifically the Bill of Rights and the concept of enumerated powers.

  • Basic economics; specifically the consequences of taxes on behavior and how lowering the tax rate increases government revenue.

  • Publish a synopsis of George Orwell’s 1984 and Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.

  • Explain and provide examples of how government interference in the markets should be the choice of last result.

  • Demonstrate the massive year-over-year growth of the federal government by: federal spending, the number of agencies, the number of federal employees, the size of the budget and the size of the budget deficit.

  • Define and give examples of socialism. “The problem with socialism is that you eventually, run out of other people’s money.” Margaret Thatcher.

  • Explain the difference between the U.S. healthcare system and that of Canada, Europe and Australia.

  • Tell the truth about the current financial crisis and remind Americans that 92% of us are making our mortgage payments!

  • Explain how we fund the deficit.

  • Debunk manmade Global Warming.

  • Tell the truth about the success of Iraq.

Step #2 – Set forth alternative solutions.

  • Implement term limits on all members of Congress. Public service should NOT be a career.
  • Pass the line item veto into law.
  • Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment. Start the process of getting a Constitutional Amendment ratified. Getting this dialogue started and creating awareness is almost as important as the actual amendment.
  • Lay out specific plans to reduce the size of the federal government: privatize Social Security, revamp Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs, close down the Department of Education and any other worthless “Departments of”. Privatize everything starting with Amtrak and the USPS.
  • Commit to cutting the Federal budget by X% every year for the next X years.
  • Cut taxes across the board. No tax credits for people who pay zero taxes.
  • Implement a flat tax.
  • Reduce federal regulations.
  • Drill for oil and natural gas in the continental United States.
  • Put into place impeachment procedures for federal judges who write rather than interpret the law. Start with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
  • Implement tort reform.
  • Re-implement welfare reform.
  • Roll back as much of the $800 billion non-Stimulus Bill as possible.

Step #3 – Challenge and fight the Obama administration and liberal Democrats at every opportunity. When they issue disinformation, we counter with facts and figures.

  • Expose the non-Stimulus bill for what it is. Remind the American people that NOT ONE member of Congress read the bill before voting on it.

  • Fight and block judicial nominees with the same vigor that Democrats did to Bush nominees.

  • Point out the level of financial corruption among Democrats (especially Cabinet members).

  • Name names and point fingers. The new tone is a joke. I refuse to accept the “if you live in glass houses” argument. Whenever a Congressional Republican steps out of line, they are ousted – i.e. Foley or Lott. The list of corrupt Democrats is endless and many are handed a committee chairmanship or cabinet positions.

Step #4 – Take back The House in 2010.

Challenge every Democrat House member who voted for the Stimulus Bill with a simple message, “I (fill-in-the-blank Republican challenger) hereby solemnly pledge to read every single bill I vote on or I will abstain.”

Step #5 – Take back The White House in 2012.

I am tempted to say that if Steps #1 - #4 are successfully accomplished, then taking back the White House is a no-brainer but that is far from the truth.

Our presidential nominee MUST NOT be a sitting or former U.S. Senator nor a moderate. Both of these qualities insure defeat at the polls. John McCain embodied both qualities and he could not defeat a man whose campaign consisted of the empty phrase “hope and change”. He could not defeat a man with more “present” votes at his previous job than days of experience in the U.S. Senate. Historically, Senators make lousy candidates. They lack one of the major qualities required by the office of any executive, EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. Most have never hired or fired a person, most have not had to meet payroll, and most have never run anything except their mouths. Recruit our nominee from the ranks of our governors or from the private sector (as if any sane private executive would run for public office).

Step #6 – Govern responsibly and maintain the new world we have just created.

This step will be the hardest to accomplish because power corrupts, however, if the changes implemented in Step #2 such as term limits, Balanced Budget Amendment, line item veto and drastically cutting the size of the federal government are accomplished then Step #6 should be obtainable and sustainable.

Updated 3/24/2009:
Nice video of a ranting Thomas Paine that has many of the points made above -