Monday, March 9, 2009

Taxpayers AGAIN paying for abortions

Now taxpayers’ money will pay for abortions again! Just like under Clinton! It doesn’t matter that over 50% of the population opposes abortion.

Having just completed the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, which basically spends 100 pages of the prophet telling the people of Israel, “God gave you many, many chances and you ignored him time and time again. Now he is going to destroy you and allow the Babylonians to take you over. After 70 years, he will bring you back into prominence and give you another chance”, it seems to me that what is going on right now with the economic situation, wiping out 40%, 50%, 60% of people’s nest egg is a shot over the bow. What else do we value higher than money and possessions? We are losing that which we hold so dearly, money and possessions.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to connect the dots between previous shots across the bow in recent history. You can take it back as far as you want: The Civil War, WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, Vietnam, the recession in the 1970’s, marine barracks in Beirut, World Trade Center 1993, 9/11, Bush demonized for 8 years and now Obama who, if we watch his actions (NOT HIS WORDS), we can only conclude that he wants to drive this country off a cliff.

My point is just like the old bump sticker, “What would Jesus do?” Except I wonder what God thinks as he looks down on this country that he blessed more uniquely than any other country in history. What does he think? What is his plan for us?