Tuesday, May 19, 2009

40 Miles Per Gallon

I just watched Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilley discussing the new miles per gallon standard dictated by our fearless, socialist leader. While I respect both Ingraham and O'Reilley they both missed the point. O'Reilley argued that he likes the higher standards because he wants to stick it to OPEC. Ingraham argued against it citing a Heritage Foundation study indicating there will be 800 more automobile deaths each year due to driving smaller cars and that the cars will be driven more thus wiping out the benefit of the increased standards.

Both of them missed the point (actually there are two points).

#1 - The federal government does NOT have the right to dictate what cars are to be built. IT IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION!!!! The Founders of our country did not mention the regulation of horse shit in the streets of America nor the type of horse you must use to pull your carriage! This type of overreaching is just one small example of the excessive power of the federal government.

#2 - WE HAVE UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNTS OF OIL AND NATURAL GAS RESERVES IN THE GROUND THROUGHOUT THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES. Our omnipotent federal government refuses to "allow" these reserves to be drilled. Again, where in the Constitution does it grant the federal government the right to regulate to a state what they can do on their own lands? Please, I am begging someone out there to point me in the right direction on this.

One final rant: if I hear one more pointy-headed liberal say, "the United States is only 5% of the world's population but consumes 25% of the world's resources", I will put out my right eye.

This is the most asinine argument I have ever heard. What do these ivory tower liberals want us to do, reduce our standard of living to that of Afghanistan or Africa? We lead the world in agricultural production and medical advances (at least until Obama-Care starts). We used to be a manufacturing powerhouse until the unions drove the jobs to foreign countries. America symbolizes what is good in humankind. We give more foreign aid than all other countries combined (you might need to fact check that one but you get my point). Why do you think the rest of the world wants to be like America?

All I ask from you is to think for yourself. Ask questions. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!