Thursday, July 22, 2010

Game Over or Silver Lining?

Is it over America? Did the bad guys win while you stood by and let it happen? Or is their a silver lining at the end of the disaster known as The Obama Administration?

In case you have not awaken from your Apathy Coma, Obama has delivered on his promise to, "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA". He said he was going to do it and he has! And over 50%+ of you voted for him! I will grant you that the alternative was lackluster but the evidence that the bill of goods you were sold was rotten is/was overwhelming.

Admit it, you fell for the "Hope and Change" bullshit because you had just spent eight years listening to the lamestream media beat the hell out of Bush. Now you know that same media that you relied on for your news has less creditability than the person currently residing in the White House. Do you feel stupid or what? You refused to listen to people like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levine and Ingraham because the no-creditability media successfully painted them into the "right-wing extremist" or "racist" corner. AND YOU FELL FOR IT!

Let's review the countless campaign promises that have been broken in the first nineteen months of this regime:

  • No new taxes for "folks making $250,000 or less". I guess it depends on what your definition of "taxes" is (sound familiar?).

  • All Bills will be on the Internet for several days before any vote.

  • Guantanamo Bay would be closed within one year of the inaugaration.

  • Get out of Iraq.

  • Unemployment will be held at 8% if the non-stimulus bill was passed.

  • No federal funds used for abortions.

  • The most transparent administration in history.

  • Extinguish the Patriot Act

On top of that, we have been force-fed multiple, 2,000+ page bills full of thousands of new regulations and government agencies. And NEVER FORGET how the Democrats mocked the idea of actually reading the bills before voting on them because they were so long.

  • Non-Stimulus Bill - Coming on the heals of Bush's TARP, who could argue? Remember the world was going to end and "They are too big to fail!". It's easy to get away with shit like this when only a handful of people in Congress have the guts to stand up to spending insanity (Bush or Obama). Nonetheless, this was just the First Act.

  • Universal Healthcare - I don't care what experts are trotted out on behalf of the administration, this system will end in rationing of care. You simply cannot dump a twenty to fifty million new people into a system without increasing the number of doctors and expect rationing NOT to occur. Not to mention the fact that it gets the government's tentacles on your most private issue - YOUR HEALTH.

    Just understand that the model we are trying to emulate (Europe and Canada are collapsing under their own weight). The New York Times reported this weekend on England's plan to decentralize their healthcare system. Talk about ironic! There's just nothing like trying to copy a failed policy to instill confidence. Not sure why you would jump on a sinking ship but, then again, I don't understand socialism and communism either.

    Don't forget Pelosi's statement that, "we have to pass the bill so you can see what is in it."

  • Financial Regulations - Who the hell knows what is in this bill! Not one Congressman has read it. From what I see it will impose fees on banks and other businesses who, in turn, will pass the costs on to the consumers essentially levving another tax on "the little guy" while, again, increasing the reach of government's tentacles.


So what is next from the Congress with an 11% approval rating and a President currently sitting on his lowest ratings? Watch the lame-duck Congressional session because they are just getting started:

  • Card-check.

  • Budget-balancing through tax increases.

  • Cap-and-Tax. Better known as climate-change legislation with taxes on exhailing and substantial regulation to boot.

  • News outlet regulation (FoxNews and conservative bloggers must be reined in).

  • Internet regulations (probably in the form of another tax and regulations). Remember, the President said, "there is too much information" out there.

  • Control over talk radio. After all, we need to balance the rhetoric! Even though every liberal attempt at a radio outlet in the history of mankind has gone bankrupt (except NPR which, of course, is supported by tax dollars).

  • Immigration Reform.

  • Expansion of IRS tentacles.

The Silver Lining

The only silver lining I see to this unmitigated disaster known as Barak Obama-Nancy Pelosi-Harry Reid-Barney Frank-Chris Dodd-Maxine Waters-Joe Biden-Al Gore-Chuck Schumer-Henry Waxman- et al is that the hapless Republicans will take back Congress and spend the next ten years unwinding the damage done by The Obama Train Wreck.

Don't get me wrong, I would be perfectly happy with a Congress that spent a decade doing no further damage to the country. It does bother me tremendously how easily my fellow countrymen were duped by Obama's empty campaign when we had so much evidence right in front of us. I am still blown away that a man with no work experience outside community organizing and a quasi-professorship could be elected President of this country. Apparently our new national motto is "Ignorance, Apathy and Complacency is Bliss". Sad!

It is all about POWER and CONTROL!

Do not let the lamestream media off the hook. They unabashedly ignore stories that negatively impact the Obama Administration.

Have I lost faith?
  • In God? No!

  • In the ability of the American people to wake up from their APATHY COMA? Probably.

I will have a better idea after November 2, 2010 and November 2, 2012. Until then, we have no choice but to eat the shit sandwich being fed to us by this despicable Congress and administration.