Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Fix America

I have a very simple solution to fix America. It's a challenge to all voters! It's a choice that every voter must make! Once you make the choice, you must demand that your public servants promote your choice or replace them with someone who will. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.

You either take the conservative position and admit that we are broke, government spending is out of control (under BOTH political parties) and needs to be cut dramatically


You take the liberal/progressive position that we need more government; that we have a revenue problem not a spending problem, therefore raising taxes and attacking the rich is the answer.

One way might save the country the other will definitely destroy it.

That's it! Pick a side! Take a stand! Make some calls and send some emails to your representatives! Talk to your neighbors, family members and co-workers! Vote accordingly!

Side Notes:

  • We have historical norms of spending as a percent of GDP that Obama is planning to exceed. We have historical norms of tax revenue collected by the Treasury as a percent of GDP that Obama is trying to exceed although it has been demonstrated to be impossible. How do you reconcile that?
  • We have a President who believes that America “would not be a great country” without all our entitlement programs? How do you reconcile that?
  • We have two political parties that have been doling out favors using taxpayers' money for decades. Both are addicted to it and unlikely to change. See Death of the Two-Party System.
  • We have a President who has increased our deficits by astronomical amounts accusing Republicans' vain attempt to cutting the spending of wanting to turn the United States into a "Third World" country. Any sane person knows that the spending will cause us to become a Third World country yet our "leader" (term used loosely) believes in driving us right off a cliff.
You have a choice - the real world where adults solve problems and make hard choices or the Obama-induced alternative universe where more and more government spending, regulations and entanglements in the lives of the average Joe equate to utopia.