Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ron Paul and Conservative Talk Radio

I am not surprised that the arrogant, Washington-centered establishment (Republicans and Democrats) dismiss or ignore Ron Paul but what’s up with conservative talk radio?

When it comes to giving Paul’s message a fair hearing, the best and brightest on the radio airwaves are no better than partisan hacks like Rove, Morris, Wasserman-Schultz and Axelrod. From Rush to Hannity; Ingraham to Levin; Beck to Jason Lewis, all of them have either dismissed Ron Paul as a kook (Beck and Levine), ignored him completely (Rush) or given him lip-service, “he has some great ideas about the economy and spending but HIS FOREIGN POLICY IS OFF THE CHARTS! (Hannity, Ingraham and Lewis).

In all fairness, last week Laura Ingraham actually acknowledged Paul’s viability in a short blog post that she made the cornerstone of her broadcast week. In the blog post, she suggested that Republicans (i.e. Romney) take note of Paul and figure out a way to appease his supporters.

I am not one to disavow a talk show host because he or she does not preach to my beliefs. I like having my viewpoint challenged. The problem I have with this crew is the fact that they have all preached to their audiences that, “There is no perfect candidate!”, “Don’t let one issue (i.e. social issues) skew your support for a candidate”.
I believe it is time for my friends on the radio to practice what they preach. All of these hosts disagree with Paul’s stance against our activist foreign policy and, therefore, they discount his candidacy. I guess that makes Limbaugh-Levine-Beck-Ingraham-Lewis single-issue voters? 

My question to these warriors of the air waves is: 
What don’t you like about his stance on restoring our constitutional government, balancing the budget, only going to war after it is officially declared, discontinuing foreign aid, auditing The Fed, cutting taxes, restoring a sane fiscal and monetary policy, true entitlement reform and closing government agencies? What about the fact that you can’t find a single flip-flop in his record like every other candidate?   

If you want to elect another “establishment candidate”, continue down the road of bashing-and-ignoring. If you want to restore America to a modicum of what the founders envisioned, then listen to and engage Paul.

No other candidate for President has ever garnered support from such a wide assortment of constituents - disenchanted establishment voters from both Parties, Libertarians and Independents. His most ardent support comes from the young voters? You don’t see anything remarkable in the fact that the 20-something voters are enthralled with a 76-year old candidate?

There is something here folks! Pay attention and stop being hypocritical.