Saturday, August 18, 2012

Obama's Hard-Hitting Interview with Entertainment Tonight

In another hard-hitting interview, President Obama sat down with Entertainment Tonight earlier this week.

Obama had this glorious quote:
"We're going around the country, talking about, ‘How do we put people back to work? How do we improve our schools? How do we make sure that we're producing American energy? How do we lower our debt in a responsible way?' And I don't think you or anybody who's been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We've always tried to bring the country together


How do we put people back to work?
  • By continuing to extend unemployment benefits so those on the program are less likely to look for work and develop their skills.
  • By increasing the number of people on food stamps.
  • By making it easier for long-term unemployed to file for disability. 
  • By removing the Clinton-era welfare work requirement.
How do we improve our schools?
  • By spending more per pupil than any country in the world (except Switzerland) and getting no results.
  • By bowing to the teachers’ unions rather than holding them accountable for educating our children.
  • By opposing school choice and competition - home school and charter schools. 
How do we make sure that we're producing American energy?
  • By opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • By instituting a drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • By residing over a 100% increase in gas prices.
  • By disallowing drilling for oil on federal lands. 
How do we lower our debt in a responsible way?
  • By increasing the national debt by almost 50% since he took office.
  • By passing a failed stimulus bill.
  • By increasing our deficit by almost 200% since he took office.
  • By increasing entitlement spending.
  • Remember this beauty? “if I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.” 
And I don't think you or anybody who's been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We've always tried to bring the country together
  • Rich vs. Poor: "Fat cats on Wall Street", the rich don't pay their "fair share", and endorsing Occupy Wall Street as a mainstream movement.  
  • Black vs. White: By not ordering attorney general Eric Holder to prosecute the New Black Panthers in the voter intimidation case.
  • Free market capitalism vs. Socialism: “The private sector is doing fine” and “You didn’t build that”
  • Senior citizens vs. Younger generations: By lying to the voters about Paul Ryan’s plan to cut medicare (while his plan actually does it).
  • Gays vs. Straights: Repealing 'Don't Ask Don't Tell and conveniently evolving his position on gay marriage just in time to fund-raise for reelection.
  • Citizens vs. Illegal immigrants: By allowing the backdoor amnesty of illegal aliens.
  • Christians vs. Non-Christians: By forcing faith-based organizations to provide contraception coverage in the health insurance plans.
  • Obama supporters vs. Obama detractors: Green energy company subsidies and crony capitalism (i.e. General Electric) versus GM dealerships put out of business during the bailout (only those owned by Republican donors).
  • Those who believe in the rule of law vs. Those who believe to the winner goes the spoils: Bondholders in GM bailout