Friday, April 12, 2013

Minimum Wage and Four-Year-Olds

Due to overwhelming demand for more public school education, Obama now wants to enroll four-year-olds! After all, our public school system has served our children so well with improving test scores, curriculum choices, and environments conducive to learning (sarcasm intended). 

Given the diminishing returns that tax-payers receive on the record levels of spending on public education, it only makes “Obama-sense” to expand it. After all, the Head Start program has been an overwhelming . . . failure. The United States currently spends more per pupil than any other country with one exception, Switzerland, yet our international competitiveness lags dramatically. 

Adding four-year-olds to the system will certainly require another layer of education bureaucrats and more dollars set aside for teachers’ pension benefits! As a society, we cannot afford to let parents raise or educate their own kids; they belong to the community! They must be pushed into the unionized school systems as soon as possible!  (sarcasm intended)

This debate is no different than the minimum wage debate. If you want to raise the rate to $9 or $10, why not $20 or $50 or $100? 

If you want to force four-year-olds into the failing public school system, why not three-year-olds? Two-year-olds? Why not let “the state” raise our children from birth (assuming they aren’t aborted)!