Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Religion in America

While church attendance in America may be on the decline, religion in America flourishes! Consider the following religions:
  • Global Warming
  • Abortion
  • Environmentalism
  • Progressivism
  • Liberalism
  • Keeping-Up-With-The-Joneses
  • In the case of members of Congress, the religion of Remaining-Relevant or Maintaining-My-Popularity-for-the-Georgetown-Cocktail-Party-Circuit
  • The most damaging religion in America is that of Party-Above-Reason. This is the religion that worships a political party above all else. Despite evidence of looming bankruptcy, debt and deficits at record highs, record levels of high unemployment, record low levels of labor force participation, dismal economic statistics, perpetual $3.50 gallon of gas, lower levels of income, record levels of food stamp recipients, willful misrepresentation of legislation, lies, deception, cover-ups, cronyism, lack of accountability, record levels of people on disability, and a dead American Ambassador, many Americans refuse to hold the government accountable for its complete ineptitude because their religion precludes them from such.