Earlier this week, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani questioned whether Barack Obama loves
America. Since actions speak louder than words, let's examine Obama's actions. After reading the list, make up your own mind whether the President loves the country.
Barack Obama loves this country would he:
- Call for its fundamental transformation?
- Have toured the world apologizing for the ills of America?
- Leave the borders open and encourage illegal immigration?
- Run up the national debt 80% saddling future generations of Americans with astronomical financial hardship and/or the permanent devaluation of the U.S. dollar?
- Constantly divide the country by race, gender, sexual orientation, and income and pit us against one another?
- Have repeatedly ignore the Constitution?
- Maintain economic policies that keep the real unemployment rate at 12% and the labor force participation rate at record low levels?
- Have repeatedly lied to the American people in order to pass his signature piece of legislation?
- Have allowed the IRS to harass groups who opposed his policies?
- Have permitted his spokesmen to lie repeatedly to the American people about Benghazi?
- Have repeatedly ignored the nation’s most pressing issues – Islamic terrorism, the stagnant economy, the rise of Russia and China, our debt, energy independence, unemployment, dropping median income, inflation - in favor of beer summits, jobs summits, terrorism summits, and golf?
- Refuse to call our enemy what they are, radical Islamic terrorists?