Saturday, March 26, 2016

Intellectual Midget Elizabeth Warren Calls Donald Trump a Loser

The intellectual midget Elizabeth Warren called Donald J. Trump a loser primarily based on his handful of bankrupt businesses.

This coming from a woman who has never started a business much less had several fail. She has not created a single job! Ms. Warren does not understand the free market, she wants to kill it. She has no idea what capitalism is. She prefers socialism and crony capitalism!

She goes on to explain what hangs in the balance of this election: affordable college, accountability on Wall Street, the Supreme Court, rich people paying their fair share, expanding Social Security, investments in infrastructure, turn back hatred, sexism, racism, and xenophobia.

#1 - College is not affordable because of the federal government’s meddling.

#2 - Wall Street was heavily regulated before the 2008 crash and yet, not a single federal agency saw the crash coming!

#3 - The Supreme Court: she means no Constitutional originalist judges are allowed because that is where the Left truly advances their agenda. They already got Obamacare, gay marriage, and much of the unconstitutional regulatory state blessed by the Court!

#4 - “Fair share?” OMG! My head is going to explode with this shallow, worthless claim. How much is fair Senator?

#5 - Expand the bankrupt Social Security program. Brilliant!

#6 - More worthless rhetoric about infrastructure spending. The Keynesian-fest we have just lived through did not end the recession but Warren wants more!

#7 - She finishes with the obligatory list of name calling. Anyone who does not agree with the Left’s failed agenda must be slandered with claims of racism, sexism, and xenophobia!