Sunday, July 12, 2009

Congress Needs a Read-the-Bill Bill

After reading the above-titled opinion piece in IBD this weekend, I couldn't help but feel my blood pressure go up. Check it out for yourself at:

Did You Know?
  • Lawmakers voted on the stimulus and global warming bills without having read either.
  • They will eventually vote on health care legislation in the same manner.
  • The Waxman-Markey, the global warming bill, passed the House last month after Democrats added a 309-page amendment at 3 a.m. the morning before the vote, bringing that package of nonsense up to 1,200 or so pages.
  • The health care bill contains provisions for funding walking paths, bike paths, streetlights, gym equipment and farmers' markets.
  • The health care bill exempts members of Congress from participating in the universal plan.

The op-ed's call to action is a simple, a "humble bill" that would "simply require each member of Congress to sign a document saying he or she had read the legislation in full before they could vote for it."

CAN YOU BELIEVE SUCH A THING IS NECESSARY? Washington, D.C. and many of the state capitals around our once great nation are full of people who are perpetually running for reelection by giving handouts to the undeserving. And while that is obvious to all that care to pay attention, they are never held accountable.

If you really want to fix this country in a hurry, you do three things:

#1 - Income Tax Holiday

#2 - Term Limits

#3 - Balanced Budget Amendment

That's it!

#1 should help us recover from the recession. #2 gets these buffoons out of our nation's and state capitals after a few terms so they can focus their attention on doing good rather than running for re-election and #3 will get rid of all the bullshit shenanigans that the Democrat Congress is currently perpetuating by pushing through gut-retching budget deficits, taking over entire industries and placating to their narrow constituents.