Thursday, July 2, 2009

Open Letter to Our Leaders - A Novel Approach to Running the Government

Dear Distinguished Members of the State Legislature and Federal Government,

Instead of raising taxes in the middle of a recession, have you considered cutting your spending? It is a novel, reality-based approach that millions of households across the country must do on a regular basis. How it works for us plebeians is we have to go out and earn the money that flows through our checkbook. You, on the other hand, do not generate anything of value. You add nothing to the economy. You are simply an elected vacuum cleaner (do you hear that sucking sound? that's my wallet!). I would bet my house that over half of the jobs held by "civil servants" (or better categorized as Democrat voters) can be eliminated with no impact on the so called services they provide to us lay-people.

My challenge to all legislators, both federal and state, is to do the right thing. Stop running for re-election and start representing the people and your re-election will be a foregone conclusion. Talk to us in our language. Expose government largess for what it is. Propose cutting bullshit programs and projects. Be bold! Be different! Go against the grain! The amount of waste of taxpayer money in this country is astronomical. STOP IT!

If you think raising taxes is the way out rather than cutting your own drunken spending habits, you clearly slept through Economics 101. I defy any of you to take your average Economics book and read it into the legislative record. Read the chapter on tax cuts. I DARE YOU!

If you think tax increases and further regulations are the way out of this recession, then, in addition to the Economics 101 book, I recommend a copy of a history book detailing the economic policies of the 1970's.

Class dismissed.

P.S. Do the right thing!