Friday, August 7, 2009

Healthcare - The Forthcoming Debacle Part II

[Note from the editor: I would be honored if one of you would submit this blog to as "fishy" anti-healthcare reform propaganda.]

Why pursue historically discredited policies? Read on for the answer.

How can you believe a political party that lied about:
  • global warming?
  • how bad the economy was during the Bush and Reagan years?
  • how good the economy is now?
  • paying their taxes (a la half of Obama's nominees)?
  • allowing bills to be available for public consumption before voting?
  • allowing no earmarks in the non-stimulus bill?
  • senior citizens losing their social security benefits when Bush tried to partially privatize this ponzi-scheme?
  • the war in Iraq?
  • the credit crisis?
  • cap-and-tax (I mean cap-and-trade)?
  • 45 million people without health insurance?
  • the healthcare system being broken?

Why is an overhaul necessary when (using the Dem's own numbers) almost 90% of the population currently has health insurance?

Why would you believe that the federal government can efficiently manage 1/5 of our economy when they can't even deliver the mail or manage Amtrak without accumulating billions upon billions of losses year after year?

What proof do we have that the federal government can handle something this massive? How about Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security? In the 40-year span from 1968 through 2007 Social Security spending went up 25 times, Medicare 85.5 and Medicaid 105.9.

  • The omnipotent federal government's 25-year projection for Medicare spending in the mid-1960s was $10 billion. Actual: $107 billion. Off just slightly.
  • Medicaid outlays in 1968 were $1.8 billion. In 2007, we were up to $190.6 billion.
  • Social Security outlays in 1968 were $23.3 billion. In 2007, $581.4 billion. Apparently no one in the federal government ever heard of the "baby boom". They were taken by surprise.

The answer is POWER & CONTROL.

Just say it and get it out in the open and stop pretending that the America public is stupid. Stop the deception and disingenuousness . Just tell us what the end game is . . . socialism, centralized power in the hands of a few people in Washington, D.C. The EXACT OPPOSITE of what the Founders of this country planned. JUST SAY IT!!!

The truth is they are nothing more than a bunch of power hungry school yard bullies. The other visual I get is the fox guarding the sheep or the chicken coop. Washington is the fox and we are the sheep/chickens (lame, helpless and stupid).