Monday, August 10, 2009

"What good is it to read the bill?"

There are many other examples of ignorant, omnipotent, arrogant Democrat "leaders" saying similar things.

Try this one:

"The American people really don't care"????????? Is that right Mr. Schumer?

Is that true? Do you really not give a shit about what happens to this country? The name of this blog is APATHY REINS because, it is my belief that, apathy "reigns" supreme in this country and the "reins" of apathy are steering this country. The majority of people in this country don't give a rat's ass what goes on in Washington, Raleigh, Columbia, Albany, Jackson, Charleston, Harrisburg, Tallahasee, Trenton, Austin, etc and the socialists who currently control the federal government and many of our state capitals play that ignorance and apathy for all it is worth because once power is seized it is rarely relinquished without a fight. Need proof??? Look at every single government program ever instituted . . . what percent of them have ever been eliminated????? Look at every single socialist society. What percent of them relinquished power without massive bloodshed????

What we are witnessing now is exactly what the Founders of this country tried to avoid! Unfortunately, apathy reigns and most of you don't care what The Constitution, The Bill of Rights or The Federalist Papers have to say.