Saturday, September 5, 2009

100% Failure Rate

I have documented much of this previously but, at this point, repetition is required to get the message across. The federal government has a 100% failure rate. Why do we, THE PEOPLE, continue to turn more and more of our lives over to them?

The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 - they've had 234 years to get it right; it is broke and, even though heavily subsidized, it can't compete with private sector - Fed Ex and UPS services.
Social Security was established in 1935 - they've had 74 years to get it right, it is broken and bankrupt
  • This program was doomed from the start. The first recipient, Ida Mae Fuller, contributed $25 and drew $23,000.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - they've had 71 years to get it right; it is broken.

Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - they've had 39 years to get it right; it is broken.

The War on Poverty was started in 1964 - they've had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our hard-earned money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked.

Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - they've had 44 years to get it right; they are both broken and bankrupt. And now our government dares to mention them as models for all US health care.

AMTRAK was established in 1970 - they've had 39 years to get it right; last year they bailed it out as it continues to run at huge loss. Only the federal government would think transporting people via 100+ year old technology is a good business model.

This year, a trillion dollars was committed in the massive political payoff called the Stimulus Bill of 2009; it shows NO signs of working unless increasing the size of government was the goal . . . . Has it created a single new private sector job? Our national debt projections (approaching $10 trillion) have increased 400% in the last six months.

"Cash for Clunkers" was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009 - - after a large percentage of the cars purchased turned out to be produced by foreign companies. And don't worry about the dealers nationwide who are buried under bureaucratic paperwork demanded by a government that is not yet paying them what was promised.

So, with a perfect 100% failure rate, we are now supposed to turn the best health care system in the world over to government? The majority of the problems that do exist with the current system can be laid at the feet of government (federal and states) by way of the 2,000+ mandates on insurance companies and the skyrocketing cost of malpractice insurance due to our lack of tort reform.

Sure Mr. Obama, take over 17% of our economy! Why not one more governmental boondoggle? Only this time you will not be playing with our money, you will be playing with our lives.