Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Analysis of the Liberals by a Self-Proclaimed Liberal


This is delicious! Excerpts from a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat, Camille Paglia, on Salon.com.
Why has the Democratic Party become so arrogantly detached from ordinary Americans? Though they claim to speak for the poor and dispossessed, Democrats have increasingly become the party of an upper-middle-class professional elite, top-heavy with journalists, academics and lawyers (one reason for the hypocritical absence of tort reform in the healthcare bills). Weirdly, given their worship of highly individualistic, secularized self-actualization, such professionals are as a whole amazingly credulous these days about big-government solutions to every social problem. They see no danger in expanding government authority and intrusive, wasteful bureaucracy. This is, I submit, a stunning turn away from the anti-authority and anti-establishment principles of authentic 1960s leftism.
It was as if Democrats live in a utopian dream world, divorced from the daily demands and realities of organization and management.
(No shit! You think??)

She can't say all of that without taking the obligatory shot at Republicans, Dick Cheney, George Bush and, even, Newt Gingrich:

Having said all that about the failures of my own party, I am not about to let Republicans off the hook. What a backbiting mess the GOP is! It lacks even one credible voice of traditional moral values on the national stage and is addicted to sonorous pieties of pharisaical emptiness. Republican politicians sermonize about the sanctity of marriage while racking up divorces and sexual escapades by the truckload. They assail government overreach and yet support interference in women's control of their own bodies. Advanced whack-a-mole is clearly needed for that yammering smarty-pants Newt Gingrich, who is always so very, very pleased with himself but has yet to produce a single enduring thought. The still inexplicably revered George W. Bush ballooned our national deficits like a drunken sailor and clumsily exacerbated the illegal immigration debate. And bizarrely, the hallucinatory Dick Cheney, a fake-testosterone addict who spooked Bush into a pointless war, continues to be lauded as presidential material.

Is it even worth bringing up the obvious???? John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Tom Daschle, Charlie Rangel, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Van Jones . . . . . . ? I don't think it is necessary anymore. I believe the American people have finally woken up.
