Saturday, November 28, 2009

Global Warming is now Climate Change

I just read Eugene Robinson's excuse-for-an-op-ed piece about Climategate. He essentially argues that it doesn't matter that top scientists who have been pushing the global warming scam on us for the past 20 years have been caught lying.

Nope! He starts out the article by saying, "Stop hyperventilating, all you climate change deniers." He goes on to say that this scandal, "does not prove that global warming is a fraud." And he further argues,
"Most Americans are convinced that climate change is real — a necessary prerequisite for the kinds of huge economic and behavioral adjustments we would have to make to begin seriously limiting carbon emissions."
He ends the article with this gem,
"It would be great if this were all a big misunderstanding. But we know carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and we know the planet is hotter than it was a century ago. The skeptics might have convinced each other, but so far they haven't gotten through to the vanishing polar ice."
Are you kidding me? This guy is one of the top op-ed writers in the country? What a joke!

In the interest of time, I have one thing to say to the esteemed Mr. Robinson. . . . PROVE IT!

The fact of the matter is man made global warming is a fluke; a lie; a hoax. The fact that the PC crowd has now renamed it "climate change" tells us everything we need to know. We do not need to talk about proof that humans cause warming because the earth is NOT warming, polar ice is NOT vanishing, polar bears are NOT becoming extinct . . . . the list of lies goes on and on (just watch Gore's movie and you will find 20+ lies according to a British court).

So why do Liberals push this agenda? Power and control. Power to tax us into oblivion and control over how we live our lives (the cars we drive, the light bulbs we use, how many miles we drive, the temperature of our homes, where we live and more).

Don't fall for this shit. Think for yourself, do some research and ask people who make irresponsible comments to prove what they say. So many of our fellow citizens are sound-bite junkies. Don't let them get away with it.