Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pushing an Agenda

How do you gain and maintain power when your agenda conflicts with the majority of the population and you cannot win the debate on its merits? You lie, cheat, intimidate, and bribe.

Lies: Benghazi cover-up. Obamacare is not a tax, your premiums will go down, and it will lower the deficit. Global warming. Claim your opponents are racists, bigots, and homophobic. Fast and Furious. Consequences of sequester cuts. 

Cheating: IRS scandal. Voter intimidation. Illegal voter registrations. Recess appointments. Chrysler bondholders during the GM bailout. 

Intimidation: Gibson Guitar raid. NLRB and Boeing. Occupy Wall Street. Union thuggery. EPA regulations. Fox News reporter James Rosen. Releasing the names of Romney donors on Obama reelection website (some were also audited by the IRS).

Bribery: Record numbers of people on disability and food stamps. Millions receive perpetual welfare payments, housing subsidies, and cell phones. Corporate welfare and bailouts. Crony capitalism.