Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Most Transparent Administration in History

“This is the most transparent administration in history” ~ Obama in February.

Let's count the ways:
  1. Obamacare – No debate on C-SPAN as promised, the bill was not put online for five days as promised, no one read the bill, it passed the House using budget reconciliation, and bribed senators.
  2. Benghazi
  3. IRS scandal
  4. His college records
  5. Fast and Furious
  6. Drone attacks
On the other hand, he has been very transparent in regards to his ideological motivations:
  1. "I want to spread the wealth around"
  2. "Punish your enemies"
  3. "I don’t want them punished with a baby" speaking about one of his daughters getting pregnant. 
  4. "God bless you” addressing Planned Parenthood
  5. "I believe in American Exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."
  6. “You didn’t build that!”
  7. “It's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion . . ."
  8. “Under my plan of cap and trade, electricity prices will necessarily skyrocket”
  9. "We can't -- drive our SUVs and you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on you know, 72 degrees at all times . . .”
  10. "Maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller."
  11. “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money”