Thursday, May 4, 2017

How to Reform Health Care in America

How to reform health care in America - in order of importance:

#1 - Get the federal government out of the health care business!

#2 - Encourage/permit the purchase of health insurance across state lines.

#3 - Eliminate some of the regulations, licensing, and education requirements to become a medical practitioner. 

#4 - Eliminate the thousands of state mandates imposed on health insurance companies.

#5 - Encourage the purchase and issuance of guaranteed issue insurance policies.

#6 - Allow people to buy health insurance as a part of a group.

#7 - Allow individuals a tax deduction for health insurance premiums paid.

#8 - Allow doctors and/or medical corporations a tax deduction for all pro-bono work they provide. 

#9 - Encourage/permit unlimited tax deductible contributions to health savings accounts that are transferable to other family members.

#10 - Medical malpractice tort reform.

#11- Create high risk pools at the individual state level for people with pre-existing conditions.