Saturday, April 20, 2013

America’s Purposeful Downfall

Cloward and Piven are mentors of sorts to President Obama. They hate America and taught that America could only be destroyed from within. Their plan called for overwhelming the system with debt and hooking the majority of citizens on government handouts. Under the weight of the debt, the system would implode and the economy would collapse. Dependent and scared citizens would then turn toward government to save them – just like they did during the Great Depression when FDR gladly began his massive government expansion programs. Does any of this sound familiar?

Consider the facts:
  • Over 50 million Americans are on food stamps (20% of all eligible adults).
  • Fourteen million are on disability.
  • Millions more are on welfare, unemployment, housing allowances, aid to dependent children, or 100 other free government  programs.
  • Obamacare alone will bankrupt the Treasury. It will make every American poorer via higher insurance premiums. And it will make thousands (maybe millions) of Americans criminals if they do not comply. 
  • 22 million government employees drain our economy as tax-payers' dollars are spent on non-productive activities.
  • Record-setting numbers of Americans are emptying their retirement accounts to survive leaving them short-handed when they do retire and, thus, dependent on the government. 
  • Record levels of student loan debt financially strap the next generation of leaders.
  • Over 16 million Americans live in poverty making them dependent on the government. 
  • Every day the private sector (which is where new jobs originate) shrinks, while the government grows. Every dollar sent to the government hurts the private economy!
  • Thousands of new regulations from government agencies stunt all efforts the economy makes toward recover.
  • Social Security is essentially bankrupt as is Medicare.  
It is glaringly obvious what is going on. Time to wake up America!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Minimum Wage and Four-Year-Olds

Due to overwhelming demand for more public school education, Obama now wants to enroll four-year-olds! After all, our public school system has served our children so well with improving test scores, curriculum choices, and environments conducive to learning (sarcasm intended). 

Given the diminishing returns that tax-payers receive on the record levels of spending on public education, it only makes “Obama-sense” to expand it. After all, the Head Start program has been an overwhelming . . . failure. The United States currently spends more per pupil than any other country with one exception, Switzerland, yet our international competitiveness lags dramatically. 

Adding four-year-olds to the system will certainly require another layer of education bureaucrats and more dollars set aside for teachers’ pension benefits! As a society, we cannot afford to let parents raise or educate their own kids; they belong to the community! They must be pushed into the unionized school systems as soon as possible!  (sarcasm intended)

This debate is no different than the minimum wage debate. If you want to raise the rate to $9 or $10, why not $20 or $50 or $100? 

If you want to force four-year-olds into the failing public school system, why not three-year-olds? Two-year-olds? Why not let “the state” raise our children from birth (assuming they aren’t aborted)! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Silent Majority No More

America is a country run by a group of minorities. The cycle goes something like this: the majority voices their opinion through legislation, public policy or through tradition and the minority runs to the court system in search of the most activist jurist to ram their policies down the throat of the majority. The majority never takes a strong stand on any one issue and we end up with a fractured society ruled by laws that no longer reflect the views of the majority of Americans.

Below are a few examples:
  • The majority of Americans believe in God, yet atheists and apathetic bureaucrats block the inclusion of God in public at every turn.
  • The majority believe in limited government and maximum freedom, yet we now live in a society where the federal government dictates everything from the food and drugs we can consume, the kind of cars we drive, how fast we can drive them, the light bulbs we can buy, and the drinking age. If you really want to see how grotesque the federal government is, read about the "Federal Registry" or the "IRS tax code". Guess how large those two documents are!!!!
  • The majority is pro-life, yet the Supreme Court found an “right to privacy” in the Constitution and then applied this previously unmentioned right to a woman’s right to terminate the life of their unborn child. Fast forward 40 years and we have now terminated over 30 million lives. That’s 10% of our current population!!!! Depending on what state you live in, you can abort late into a pregnancy even via the Obama-supported procedure known as partial birth abortion. Federal dollars flow to Planned Parenthood to pay for the infanticide of our next generation. All efforts to slow down this trend – sonograms, adoption, education, are squashed by, what can only be described as a pro-murder industry and the Democratic Party.
  • The majority believe in traditional definition of marriage as evidenced by the over 30+ states that have passed laws clearly defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Gay rights activists are not content with pursuing tax policy and public policy changes to give them the “rights’ they desire. They feel compelled to change the thousands-of-years-old definition of marriage via activist judges.
  • The majority is opposed to Obamacare. Prior to its passage, the disapproval rate was over 50% and, now that the lies regarding the law have been exposed, the impact on our pocketbooks is clear, and the crushing impact on the economy is evident, the percentage is even higher. No wonder they had to pass the bill by bribing Senators and using a budget reconciliation procedural vote to pass it.
  • The majority of Americans believe in the power of prayer, yet the Left has purposefully removed it from the public square because it "might offend someone".
  • The majority believe in balancing the federal budget, yet under President Bush the national debt and the annual budget deficit grew by 294% and 73% respectively. So far under Obama those figures are 200% and over 60%. How is this sustainable? 
  • The majority support school vouchers and school choice, yet the Democratic Party (local, state and national) squash all efforts to implement such programs due to the influence of teachers unions on that party. One of President Obama’s first acts as President was to kill an extremely popular and successful school voucher program in a poor area of Washington, D.C.
  • The majority of Americans believe in freedom of religion, yet activist atheists and agnostics want "freedom from religion".
  • The majority believes in voter ID laws, yet activists and liars squash most efforts to implement them.