Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Truth About Reconciliation

I want to reference last week's blog where I quoted numerous Democrats', including Biden and Obama, who maligned President Bush's attempt at using "The Nuclear Option" to get his judges confirmed over the unprecedented obstruction of the Democrats in Congress.

A Wall Street Journal op-ed outlines the history of reconciliation and just what an abuse of power we are about to witness:

Even Robert Byrd is opposed to its use for non-budgetary legislation.

The level of desperation and Kamikaze approach to this legislation on the part of the Progressives (Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Waxman, Schumer, Boxer, Frank, Dodd, Rockefeller ) is nothing short of breathtaking.

And, once again, the lamestream media shows themselves for what they are . . . . . nothing short of a democrat party hack.