Saturday, May 29, 2010

What If Part II

Part one available by clicking here.

WHAT IF. . . .

  • President Bush constantly and consistently blamed all the country's woes on former President Clinton?

  • President Bush averaged five hours per golf game -

  • President Bush said something like, "my daughter asked me today, 'Daddy, when are you going to fix all the damage from Katrina'"?

  • The Bush Administration had given an oil rig a clean bill of health (and an award) a month or two before it exploded and caused the largest natural disaster in American history?

  • Bush surrounded himself with radical right-wingers?

  • Karl Rove had said something like, "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste."

  • Denny Hastert had said something like, "we have to vote for the bill so you can see what's in it"?

  • Karl Rove had offered a Republican congressional candidate a quip pro quo deal not to run against a Bush favored senatorial candidate?

  • President Bush waited over a month to do anything significant about the damage caused by Katrina (as Obama did in the Gulf oil spill)?

  • Republican Congress passed a bill despite opposition from 60%+ of the American electorate?