Friday, February 13, 2015

The Raping of America's Savers by the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve has “managed to turn the nation’s vital money and capital markets into dangerous, unstable casinos, and the nation's savers into indentured servants of a bloated and wasteful banking system.”

The Federal Reserve has allowed the responsible savers in our country to be raped in favor of the banks. Instead of paying 3%, 4%, or 5% in interest to the savers, they pay 0.1%. They get to keep the interest which, in a normal, non-Fed-interfering, economic environment, they would pay out. They use those funds to pay dividends and/or buyback stock among other things. Meanwhile savers watch their dollars decline in value as the Fed continues to print more and more dollars.

Read David Stockman's article, Audit the Fed -- And Shackle It Too > >