Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama for Dummies

Country music singer Clay Walker appeared on the FoxNews Show 'Hannity' on March 26. During a panel discussion about the Obama Administration's power grab, he declined to offer an opinion because he didn't feel he was well-informed enough to weigh in. He described himself as "growing up poorer than dirt" and "not the sharpest knife in the drawer".

How many other people think they are not "informed" enough to offer an opinion about our current Administration. If you asked these same people similar questions about The Bush Administration, they, no doubt, could regurgitate some mindless criticism as articulated by the mainstream (lamestream) media. For the benefit of those who feel they are not informed about Obama, I offer the following list of five factors that explains the insanity we are experiencing from his Administration.

#1 - Home Field Advantage:

Obama has no fear of being called out for anything he does or says by the lamestream media. They protect him because they think like him and voted for him. During the Bush Administration, the majority of the lamestream media forfeited everything they were taught in J-School about being the watch-dog for the American people (the fourth branch of government), etc. Obama's left-leaning, liberal agenda is there agenda and they are willing to leave their journalistic integrity at the door to advance it (or, in the case of the last eight years) tear down a man with whom they disagreed.

Not a peep was heard from the likes of ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, et al. when Obama made bald-faced lies such as "we will cut the deficit in half" while increasing it by $10 trillion or "I will not sign bills full of ear marks" while signing one with 8,500 of them.

Finally, no one else could get away with associating with a domestic terrorist (Bill Ayers) AND a racist preacher (Jeremiah Wright) AND a Marxist community organizer (Saul Alinsky) AND working with a perpetually corrupt and often-indicted voter registration group (ACORN).The lamestream media is guilty of dereliction of duty and Obama and his lefty pals are taking full advantage of their home field advantage. The media's double-standard and hypocrisy are on full display for anyone who cares to see.

#2 - He's black:

In case you haven't noticed, Obama is . . . . black.

While the lamestream media protects Obama from the front, the race card protects him from the back forming a Star Wars-like force field around The Messiah. Thanks to decades of admirable work by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (both of whom carry the title of Reverend - is nothing sacred anymore?), the race card is played when anyone dares to criticize The One.

Click here or here read two recent articles reviewing this phenomenon.

#3 - He's a Radical Leftist:

Obama's sparse voting record was good enough to gain the label as the most liberal senator in the U.S. Senate. Think about those who have influenced his life (see list above) and you can easily see why he is the way he is.

It is indisputable that Barack Obama is the least qualified candidate for President by a major political party in the history of this country. He has very little private sector and no executive experience. The leader of the formerly free world has been on the government dole his entire adult life. Ditto for all of his "advisors", none of whom have ever had to make payroll or manage a budget. That is a dangerous combination: a bunch of left-wing, ivory-tower, elitist with no private sector experience controlling the world's most powerful country. As of this writing, these same people control the auto industry and most of the country's banks.

#4 - The Apathetic Electorate:

Let's face it, most Americans could care less what a bunch of pompous, rich politicians in our state and nation's capital do on a day-to-day basis. The Democrats play this apathy brilliantly. Their liberal agenda, comprised of growing a powerful, centralized government by shaving individual rights requires an ignorant and apathetic populace. Anyone who understands The Obama Agenda feels like they are living in an alternative universe.

Consider for a moment the 'War on Poverty' OR the state of the African-American community OR the state of our public school system OR Social Security OR Medicare/Medicaid all of which are creations or constituents of Democrats. After considering these you cannot tell me that an engaged, enlightened populace would put up with the pathetic performance of any of these? Only in government can abject failure be rewarded.

On the other side of the coin, the Republican Party assumes the populace are not only engaged but are rational in their expectations of government. WRONG!

#5 - He is not President Bush:

Have you noticed that Obama is on TV every day? This stems from the liberal belief that President Bush was disengaged and recluse. Therefore, Obama will do the opposite despite risking overexposure.

Obama also believes that the whole world hates the United States because of Bush Administration policies and he is going to bring back the love. Look at his behavior at the G20 meetings where he spent four days trashing and apologizing for his own country's behavior while gladly giving up U.S. sovereignty to foreign entities such as the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations. Also, did you happen to catch Secretary of State Clinton's recent comments in Mexico? She blames America for Mexico's problems. It continually amazes me that leaders of the greatest, most generous country in the world feel compelled to kiss the ass of people who don't vote in our elections. Instead of spreading The American Way, they prefer to tear it down and join the Mediocrity Society.

Is anyone else concerned that while Obama is trying to be the anti-Bush, he has ignored the Iranian nuke issue, left Israel hanging out to dry and oversaw the dismantling of all the work done in North Korea?

My prediction: The Democrat Party will overstep their power and 2010 will see unprecedented turnover in The House (bigger than 1994) with the likes of Pelosi, Frank and Murtha shown the door.

Caveat: I haven't seen any indication that the RNC can take advantage of the Obama hanging curve ball. Unless Michael Steele is developing a secret grand strategy, I worry that the Republicans will miss a golden opportunity to retake power and roll back or slow down the Obama Agenda.

Speaking of the RNC, If I ran the Republican Party, was published last month.