Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama: The Mild Leftist

Well, mark E.J. Dionne, Jr. off my list of columnists that I will invest time to read.

In an Op-Ed in the March 30 Investor's Business Daily, he called Obama and Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, "mildly leftist and critical of the conservatism of the recent past . . . "

I don't know anything about Australian politics but I know Obama and if he is mildly leftist then full-blown Communism is just around the corner. And what is his definition of "the recent past"?

When I read a column, I don't want to find myself laughing out loud at asinine comments like that. I know Mr. Dionne tends to be an apologist for the Democrats but his analysis is usually based of some facts as he sees them.