Saturday, July 10, 2010

Most Productive Congress Since Johnson

Interesting quote in a LA Times story about how Obama has worn out his welcome in Congress (even within his own Party). After all, they have supported his transformational agenda despite the support of their constituencies. As a result, many of them will lose their job in November; at least those who have not already quit.

This quote caught my attention:

"Obama has led what historians have called the most productive Congress since President Lyndon Johnson."

Two questions:

#1 - Are they referring to the same progressive historians who have been writing our textbooks for the last 60 years who make heroes out of people like Wilson, Sanger and Byrd while skipping over the details of the country's founding, the roll that God plays and vilifying the American military?

#2 - What the hell does "most productive" mean? Ramming legislation down the throats of a country largely opposed to it? Passing legislation that has not been read? Writing 2,000 page laws and telling us that it must be passed before we can see what is in it? Legislating against the wishes of the majority of Americans?

If answers to both questions are "Yes", then I understand. Otherwise, the LA Times is just showing why it, along with every other major liberal fish wrap, has become irrelevant.,0,1045259.story