Thursday, July 1, 2010

Open Letter to Liberal Family Member

The following is my response to a self-proclaimed left-of-center family member who refused to finish watching one of Glenn Beck's Founders Friday episodes (at my request) because, "I didn't get a whole lot out of it other than Beck is accusing progressive liberals of not giving African Americans their due in History books by suppressing the truth about who really help found America". Ironic, huh? Since that was one of the points proven in the episode.

This particular family member also took the usual swipes at Rush Limbaugh because he, "blames liberal Democrats [for everything]" and explained that they do NOT read my DoseofTruth blog posts because they do not like the rhetoric.

See below:

Two final comments:

#1 - You said you did not agree with the "rhetoric" [of my blog posts]. Are my arguments valid or not? Are they based on evidence or innuendo? What does the rhetoric have to do with the point being made? I realize the tone and rhetoric may be inflammatory but we all need to evaluate the argument/message/policy by its merit not by its delivery.

Too many people are infatuated or turned off by rhetoric. That is one of the reasons why we are now "blessed" with our current President. He spoke really well and McCain was old, boring and stiff (kind of like Bob Dole), yet Obama was, hands down, the least qualified person to run for President in the history of this country from one of the two major parties. He has proved me right time and time again in these long 18 months of his dictatorship (just stealing a line from Keith Olbermann describing Bush). . . . Is that inflammatory rhetoric or is my argument valid? For the record, McCain is/was not qualified to be President either. I don't believe Senators are qualified to run anything except their mouth. Give me the governor of any state from either Party over any Senator any day of the week. Is that inflammatory rhetoric or is my argument valid? I hope you see my point on the "rhetoric" comment.

#2 - I don't look at politics as Left and Right anymore. It is total government on one end of the spectrum (fascists and communists) and anarchy on the other. The Founding Fathers placed the country much closer to anarchy than toward total government. Throughout the years we have moved up and down that spectrum. So, in my mind, there is a very simple argument that must be waged, do you want more or less government and where do you draw the line.

Bringing this back to liberals versus conservatives, clearly the majority of the country leans conservative. Americans are by nature independent. However, what we see now is a power grab of biblical portions because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. That is why 2,000 page bills are being passed on a regular basis loaded with all kinds of new government decrees and controls despite the fact that the majority of the country opposes the bills.

Let's not forget the fact that Senator Dodd and Congresswoman Pelosi both actually said the following about their respective bills, "We need to pass them so you can see what is in them" (Dodd on the financial reform bill and Pelosi on the Healthcare bill).

Now, I don't give a shit where you stand politically but a true American would have a problem with any elected official making such asinine and "fuck-the-voters" statements. That is a travesty and bodes poorly for our country in the long run as our kids get saddled with deficits bearing so many zeros that we need to make up a new numbering system. According to the Democrats, the standard by which we pass legislation is (in order of importance):

#1 - Write it
#2 - Pass it
#3 - Read it

I am begging you to make a lucid argument why that makes sense? "Ass backwards" doesn't begin to describe it, however, "corrupt" does! I am not talking about extortion-corruption, I am talking about moral and ethical corruption. If you flip the bird to the majority of the country in order to push a radical agenda, you are morally and ethically corrupt. Is that argument rhetorically inflammatory? If so, please explain?

Through all of this insanity, where is the media? Nowhere to be found! Weren't they called the fourth branch of government?

I believe people like you and me could sit down and compromise on how much government should be involved in the lives of the average citizens. I would get more than I want and you would get less than you want but both of us could walk away from the conversation feeling good about what was accomplished.

Instead, the country is being run by a minority of radicals (inflammatory rhetoric or true?) and there is no compromise. There is no discussion. The Republicans have been shut out from Day 1 (that is a fact, not rhetoric!).

Believe me, I have no compassion for the Republicans. I am changing my Party affiliation to Independent. The game was over the minute GW Bush called himself a "compassionate conservative" implying other conservatives are uncompassionate. At the same time, the liberal press spent eight years unfairly crucifying him and he never defended himself. Hell, Dan Rather threw away a four decade career in order to fabricate a story about Bush. Tell me The Left in this country are honest purveyors of the news!

That same Press completely ignores Democrats' incompetency and misbehavior - Katrina vs. Oil Spill; Packwood and Foley vs. Edwards, Gore, Clinton and Kennedy; Bork, Alito, Roberts vs. Kagan and Sotomayor; multiple tax cheats nominated to cabinet positions; bills being passed without being read; bills being passed despite 60%+ opposition by the population; an American President being chastised for too much spending by European leaders; do I need to go on?

So, there you have it, the last political conversation I will ever initiate with you.

Take it for what it is but I would hope you will ask more questions and never take anyone's word for it no matter where you get your news (including me). And please search out and listen to the other sides of every argument (watch Beck, listen to Rush, Neil Boortz, Jason Lewis with an open mind), ignore the "rhetoric" and evaluate the arguments being made, call bullshit when you see it but be able to back up your call, challenge both sides and make them explain why they are doing what they are doing.

Consider yourself removed from my blog mailing list.