Thursday, March 19, 2009

Call a Spade a Spade

The following question from a family member prompted the response that follows:

Question: How come the party in the majority does all the work, writes all the bills while the party in the minority doesn't do anything constructive except complain about the party in the majority. you should notice that I didn't mention any party name.

Answer: I’m sorry but I refuse to play the “I’m not going to name any party’s name” game. There are only two political parties and it is a cop-out not to name names.

The DEMOCRAT PARTY shut out the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the writing of the non-Stimulus bill. The only thing left for them to do was vote against it and "complain".

The DEMOCRAT PARTY spent 7 years demonizing everything that the REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT did and said (and even how he said it). Much/Most of their rhetoric was malicious and purposefully misleading. From the DEMOCRAT PARTY perspective, everything worked out swimmingly because they were able to disconnect the American public from a likeable President to whom a lot of Americans were able to relate to (George W. Bush). They (and I include you in the “they”) bought the “Bush lied and people died” argument (click here for an eye opener) that led to the election of someone with less experience than your average MBA degree recipient with five years’ work experience. All of this was able to be accomplished for two simple reasons:

#1 – The self-absorbed and apathetic American public would rather watch Jon Stewart and American Idol than follow what their so-called “representatives” are doing to destroy our country and;

#2 – The pathetic mainstream media (which consistently votes DEMOCRATIC) refuses to report on anything that might incriminate a DEMOCRAT member of the legislative, executive or judicial branch of government especially when it involves receiving blow jobs in the Oval Office. For further research on this topic do a Google search on Mark Foley, Trent Lott, Bob Packwood, Clarence Thomas, Robert Bork and Sarah Palin and compare their treatment in the media to Ted Kennedy, Charlie Rangel, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, TurboTax Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle, Hilda Solis, Nancy Killefer and Ron Kirk.

As a political science major and political junky, I marvel at how well-organized and on-message the DEMOCRAT PARTY is and was throughout the Bush presidency. The strategy is brilliant and is working perfectly.

A few words about the other side of the isle: the REPUBLICAN PARTY is apparently comprised of a bunch of pansies who refuse to stand up and fight. They refuse to call it like they see it for fear of being called a racist, a bigot or any other numerous words that end in “ist”. They did not stand up to the Bush Administration when they expanded the federal government beyond all recognition and, because of their lack of taking a stand in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007, they no longer have any credibility to call Obama the big spending liberal that he; even though that fact cannot be denied.

In the meantime, Obama is going to tax us into oblivion with cap-and-trade, increases in income and dividend taxes (these will come in early 2010 once the economy rights itself) while at the same time he will have to increase Social Security withholdings and extend the age in which you can begin to receive benefits.

On top of that, he wants to socialize our medical system just like the marvelous systems in Canada, Europe and Cuba. I cannot think of a worse idea. You socialize the American medical apparatus with our history of innovation and, I predict, millions of people will die from diseases that could have been cured if the profit potential was kept in place for companies like Pfizer and Gilead Sciences. Sadly, these companies will be reined in under a socialized medicine scenario. We will see services and drug treatments rationed. Can you imagine going to your doctor in five years, after the Obama health care system has been implemented, and having him say to you, “I’m sorry but, while the treatment exists to prolong your life, under Federal regulations, I cannot prescribe or administer it to you because your ‘age + diagnosis quotient’ exceeds the HHS cost benefit ratio. You will just need to go home and die.” That type of SHIT is going on right now in Sweden, the socialist paradise, and in England and in Canada (although the Canadian government does allow their citizens to come to the . . . . . . . . . . . United States for treatment).

A couple final thoughts:

  • Social Security - Who tried to salvage this Ponzi Scheme by privatizing part of it? Who demonized and blocked it? Answer: REPUBLICANS (Bush) proposed and DEMOCRATS opposed.
  • Who tried to rein in Fannie and Freddie Mac and possibly avoid the market collapse? Who demonized and blocked it? Answer: REPUBLICANS (Bush) proposed and DEMOCRATS opposed.
  • Who voted for a multi-billion dollar non-Stimulus package without reading the bill? Answer: DEMOCRATS voted for it while REPUBLICANS opposed it (kind of tough to digest and evaluate 1,072 pages in 15 hours). But who am I to judge? It was good enough for the DEMOCRATS.
  • Who signed a pork-ladened Omnibus spending bill with over 8,000 ear marks after their president said he would never pass a ear marked-filled bill? Answer: The DEMOCRAT president. Remember, “read my lips, no new taxes”? How did that turn out for old George H. Bush? He was crucified and replaced after one term. Not a word of outrage from the mainstream media on the DEMOCRAT president’s lack of honesty.

I could go on and on and on. The bottom line is there is plenty of blame to go around with both Parties that you do not want to name but the fact of the matter is one Party is out to gain power and control at all costs and the other sits around and marvels at how good the other party is at gaining power and control.

One final, self-serving, somewhat related note not meant to impugn you: While the REPUBLICAN PARTY is far from perfect, I don’t have a clue how any free-thinking person could vote for the likes of brainless, pompous assholes like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman, Chris Dodd, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, Gregory Meeks and Mel Watt. They are the face of the DEMOCRAT PARTY today and yesterday, yet they are in complete control of this country and you voted for them. Talk about living in an alternative universe. Talk about living in a country where the public has their head up their ass.

You see how the outrage over the AIG bonuses is making headlines? Well no duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chris Dodd wrote the damn amendment that allowed the bonuses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BILLS ARE PASSED BY LEGISLATORS THAT DO NOT READ THEM!!!!!!!