Friday, March 13, 2009

Now the Economy is Good?

So, let me get this straight; after 8 years of lambasting the Bush Administration for everything from the war to the economy to global warming to tax cuts . . . . . NOW the economy is fine?????

  • NOW that the mammoth no-stimulus-pork-bill-with-no-ear-marks-written-by-Nancy-Pelosi-and-not-read-by-a-single-member-of-Congress-who-voted-for-it has passed
  • NOW that the pork-ladened-but-not-Obama’s-fault-Omnibus-spending-bill-with-no-ear-marks-(even though it had over 8,500 of them) has passed

the economy is okay!

Phew, that was close! I feel so much better knowing that the man in charge and his Party felt compelled to encourage a 50% stock market decline and wealth destruction not seen in 70 years in order to win the presidency.

And now this same man whose resume is weaker than any MBA with 5 year’s work experience, who was trained by the likes of Saul Alinsky, is friends with the likes of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, is surrounded by people like Rahm Emanuel, who is taking advice from the likes of James Carville and Paul Begala while being insulated by the mainstream media is on the job and working hard to fix all our problems by instituting a socialistic agenda that even Franklin Roosevelt would be envious of.

I’ve been saying it for months that we are living in an alternative universe and every day proves my point. Obama says, “we will not tolerate ear marks in our bills” – then he signs a bill with 8,000 ear marks. He says, “this is the worse economy since The Great Depression” – then four weeks later says, “it’s not as bad as we think”.

Double-talk and double-standard by a neophyte gives me confidence. How about you?