Friday, March 20, 2009

Hypocrisy Abounds: What if . . . . . . . ?

Answer all of these questions from two perspectives:

#1 - from the perspective of the mainstream media

#2 - from the perspective of Democrat politicians:

WHAT IF Laura or Barbara Bush or Nancy Reagan had said, "for the first time in my life, I am proud of my country"?

WHAT IF a Republican candidate for president denounced an "orgy of spending and enormous deficits," and said, "We have had, over the last eight years, the biggest increases in deficit spending and national debt in our history...Now we have a half-trillion deficit annually..." and then proposed a budget with a deficit three times the size of the one that so disturbed the candidate?

WHAT IF President Bush had only spoken to Fox News and Drudge as Team Obama focuses their media outreach on the likes of the Huffington Post and Ed Schulz (who the hell is he?)

WHAT IF Newt Gingrinch had employed the "reconciliation process" to pass The Contract with America?

WHAT IF George Bush had recommended that soldiers' private insurance should pay for battlefield injuries?

WHAT IF George Bush made a comment about ‘bowling like the Special Olympics’?

WHAT IF a Republican-controlled Congress passed a bill without letting anyone read it?

WHAT IF George Bush nominated five people with "tax problems"?

WHAT IF George Bush had gone on the Tonight Show in the middle of a financial crisis?

WHAT IF George Bush had promised no ear marks in a bill and then signed one with over 8,500 of them in it?

WHAT IF a Republican Senator had been caught lying about his involvement in writing a bill (a la Chris Dodd and the AIG bonuses)?

WHAT IF Newt Gingrich had said “every month 500 million Americans lose their jobs”?

WHAT IF Denny Hastert had said, “family planning [abortion] is a form of stimulus”?

WHAT IF George Bush had spent 14 months bashing the economy and then two months after taking office said “the economy is good”?

WHAT IF Ari Fleischer or Tony Snow conducted themselves with the same smug attitude as current press secretary, Robert Gibbs?

WHAT IF word leaked out shortly after inauguration that George Bush 41 or 43 or Ronald Reagan had received a advance on a book deal?

WHAT IF John Ashcroft had said ‘America is a nation of cowards when it comes to race’?

Please feel free to add your thoughts below.