Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Truth About Cap-and-Trade

A warning to all worshippers at the altar of 'Manmade Global Warming', DO NOT READ FURTHER!

Writing in the Financial Times recently, Czech President Vaclav Klaus said: "As someone who lived under communism for most of his life, I feel obliged to say that I see the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity now in ambitious environmentalism, not communism." Klaus told the Cato Institute recently that "environmentalism is a religion" that accepts global warming on faith and seeks to exploit it to reshape the world and economic social order.

The Al-Gore-James-Hansen-manmade-global-warming-hysteria is a hoax. The most concise refutations I have found have been made by John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel (see links below).

John Coleman speech to San Diego Chamber of Commerce

Free Republic Article, November 2007

Cap-and-trade is the direct result of global warming hysteria and the failure of the Kyoto Treaty. Thankfully neither the Clinton nor Bush Administration submitted the treaty to the Senate for ratification. With that failure and the increased failure of the global warming hoax to take hold with the majority of Americans, Obama must placate his left-wing lunatic supporters with something. Thus we get cap-and-trade.

The Tax Foundation recently published a working paper called Who Pays for Climate Policy?. This study lays out the financial impact of the cap-and-trade legislation. They calculate the annual burden on American households of $144.8 billion. The average annual household burden would be $1,218, which would be approximately 2% of the average household income. This burden will come in the form of higher energy costs passed on by our utility companies as they cope with their increased costs imposed by this legislation.

On top of that, remember this name, the "Ad Hoc Working Group On Further Commitments For Annex I Parties Under the Kyoto Protocol". This is a United Nations' committee in charge of implementing the Copenhagen Accord, the successor to the Kyoto Treaty. THEY ARE COMING FOR US!!

Updated March 30, 2009: Here is a good piece in the WSJ regarding the unintended consequences of this asinine cap-and-no-trade policy.

Updated April 1, 2009: Michelle Malkin's latest piece describes the lack of debate in Congress as Cap-and-Trade are shoved down our throats.