Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The hypocrisy is nothing short of stunning

The Editorial Board at Investor's Business Daily deserves The Conservative Medal of Honor (if the award does not exist, it should). Week after week, they provide dead-on, fact-based political and economic analysis. Without them, I would have stepped in front of a speeding dump truck six months ago given the alternative universe we currently live in called the mainstream media.

They just published an incredible Op Ed that I think is worth your time to read: http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=322782906144146

Here are two excerpts for those of you with short-attention spans:

"[Barney] Frank, one of the chief architects of the housing mess that's brought us so low, isn't satisfied merely with pretending he and his Democratic pals aren't to blame for all this. No, exploiting voter anger over the now-infamous AIG bonuses, he also wants to dictate to American capitalism what it can earn and what it can't.

This is the kind of thing that normally happens in Third World countries ruled by tinhorn dictators, or in fascist states, where the democratic rule of law has collapsed. Not the U.S.

Yet, that's where we find ourselves today, isn't it? Democrats in Congress, who steadfastly rejected virtually all efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as they went on the wildest, most irresponsible lending binge in the history of finance, now pose themselves as the saviors of fallen capitalism."

"It's a frightening thing to see a once mighty, and free, capitalist economy placed under the heel of an incompetent government. But that's precisely what's happening now.

Executive pay, the focus of much public fury right now, is only the start. Your pay will be next, rest assured. So hold on to your wallets, sure, but also hold on even tighter to something even more precious that now seems at risk: your freedom."

Wake up America!