Sunday, March 22, 2009

Punch-drunk on Hope and Change

So what if Obama giggled and chuckled his way through his interview with Steve Kroft tonight on '60 Minutes'? He was only discussing the status of the U.S. economy and the challenges that lie ahead for the country. I personally find it refreshing after eight years of relative prosperity, lower taxes, security, low interest rates and low unemployment.

Hope and Change are here! Ain't it great!

As a recent addition to the 8.1% of Americans sitting in the unemployment line, I look forward to the rest of you who have a job paying my mortgage, my health insurance, my car and my food. Can't wait to sit around and spend more time with my kids and sip iced tea on my back porch as my President giggles his way through his tax-you-into-oblivion-while-Nancy-and-Harry-takeover-50%-of-the-economy-while-Iran-nukes-Israel-and-Russia, China, Venezuela and North Korea-run-amuck policies are implemented.

It was good while it lasted! 233 years was a good run!

I can only Hope that Americans demand a Change in 2010 followed by more Change in 2012.

Read more on Obama's immature interview at: